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Martin Webber's blog
Musings of a social work academic
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Social Work Research Podcast
Social Work Research Podcast Working Group
1. Skills improve outcomes
2. Practice research
3. What’s the risk?
4. Domestic abuse inequalities
5. On the up
6. Talking about race
7. Supporting decision-making
8. Triggering social work involvement
9. Making fathers relevant
10. Religion and wellbeing
11. The invisible child
12. Care Act implementation
13. Implementing systemic practice
14. Inequality and child welfare
15. Improving working conditions
16. What service users want
17. Social work during Covid
18. It’s time to ditch the ‘toxic trio’
19. Intimate partner violence against men
20. LGBT+ older people in lockdown
21. Social work in times of conflict
22. Climate change and Covid in Zimbabwe
23. Social media snooping
24. Social work parenting interventions
25. Arts, nature and health
26. Adoption and ethics
27. Reducing child protection interventions
28. Communicating with children and families
29. Mindfulness for social workers
30. Digital learning
31. Breaking bad news
32. Overcoming barriers to engagement
33. Kinship care
34. Parents’ views of social workers
35. Supporting older carers
36. Small talk in social work
37. Migration of social workers
38. Preventing child sexual abuse
39. Timebanking in adult social care
40. Social workers’ experiences of bureaucracy
41. Physical activity for disabled people
42. Teaching and learning communication skills
43. Relationship-based supervision
44. Mental health of young carers
45. Violence during adolescence and mental health
46. Discretion in child protection social work
47.Contextual safeguarding
48. Social work professional identity
49. Strengths-based approaches
50. Results to practice
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