7. Supporting decision-making

Professor Gavin Davidson from Queen’s University Belfast discusses research on service users’ experiences and views of support for decision-making.

Supporting people to make decisions about their own lives is an important aspect of social work practice with adults. Irrespective of disability or mental health problem, all adults have a right to make their own decisions, if they have capacity to do so. However, sometimes people need some additional support to do so.

This episode features a conversation with Professor Gavin Davidson who has recently published a study of service users’ experiences and views of support for decision-making. The study was co-produced with people with an intellectual disability or a mental health problem and highlights that support needs to be responsive to an individual’s needs.

Gavin is a Professor of Social Care at Queen’s University Belfast whose main research interests include mental health social work, the effectiveness of services; and the social determinants of mental health. The full text of the paper we discuss can be downloaded here:

Webb, P., Davidson, G., Edge, R., Falls, D., Keenan, F., Kelly, B., et al. (2020). Service users’ experiences and views of support for decision-making. Health & Social Care in the Community, 28(4), 1282-1291.

Credit: â€˜Positive Energy’ by Scott Holmes Music is licensed under a Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 International License.

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