To celebrate the launch of the International Centre for Mental Health Social Research (ICMHSR) at the Unversity of York, we are announcing a new PhD studentship starting in October 2013. This studentship provides an opportunity
To celebrate the launch of the International Centre for Mental Health Social Research (ICMHSR) at the Unversity of York, we are announcing a new PhD studentship starting in October 2013.
This studentship provides an opportunity for an individual with interest and expertise in mental health social research to join us and help to shape our future.
The successful candidate will be supported and encouraged to design and undertake their own original empirical research project, within one of our four broad overlapping research themes as applied to mental health and well-being:
- Social determinants and outcomes
- Social and policy interventions
- Social networks and communities
- Care and support
The studentship will fund UK / EU tuition fees for 3 years of full-time study for a PhD and an annual maintenance grant at the standard Research Council rate. Students from outside the EU are welcome to apply but they will need to self-fund the additional tuition fees for overseas students.
Applicants will need to write a 2,500 word research proposal which outlines their proposed research and be available to take up the studentship in October 2013. Full information about the studentship and how to apply can be downloaded here.
I will be supervising the PhD studentship and I’m encouraging applicants to include an international dimension in their proposed project. We have a small amount of funding to support some work with our international collaborators.
We are looking for a candidate who is interested in pursuing a career in mental health social research and can write a methodologically robust research proposal. This is an exciting time in the development of ICMHSR and I look forward to welcoming a new member of the team in October.
The deadline for applications is 30th August 2013 with interviews being conducted in week commencing 9th September 2013. The studentship starts in October 2013.
Dear Martin,
I am only seeing this position now. Can you tell, has the position been filled? It seems to be a very interesting research topic. Are any other Universities, that you are aware of, doing similar research?
Sharon White.
Yes, I’m sorry, but this position is filled.
Many thanks for your interest.