What do social work academics do in their spare time? Well, they ride a bike across America, of course! OK, so that's a bit extreme. But it's exactly what a colleague of mine has done.
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Cycling for mental health research and museums
Tomorrow I'll be riding the Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100 to raise money for two fantastic small charities. The McPin Foundation places the lived experience of people affected by mental health problems at the heart of research
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Biking for Bursaries
I'm getting back on my bike this summer to raise money for charity. The first ride I'm doing is next Sunday (7th June). YuCycle is organised by the University of York, York Sport Village and the
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Tour of Yorkshire Day 2
The Vale of York was shrouded in mist as we lined up for the start of day 2 of the Tour of Yorkshire. But it was not raining and there was only a 50% chance
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Tour of Yorkshire Day 1
The NSPCC Tour of Yorkshire is based at York Sport Village, a new multi-sport complex next to the Heslington East campus of the University of York. Building upon the growth in interest in cycling it
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On the eve of the Tour of Yorkshire
My nemesis has finally arrived. The Tour of Yorkshire. 182 miles over two days with thundery rain likely to fall at some stage over the weekend. What on earth have I let myself in for?
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A summer of cycling
With the Tour de France starting in Yorkshire in July, this will certainly be a summer of cycling. If you know me outside of work, you will be aware that I'm a keen cyclist. Before
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