Here's the text of a blog I've just posted on the Social Care Elf. Informal carers of people with long-term health problems or disabilities are essential providers of social care in the UK and across
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Social enterprises: good for mental health?
My latest blog for the Social Care Elf today reviewed a Canadian study of social enterprises. The firms in the research employed people with mental health problems. Although the paper's conclusions were broadly positive, I
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Collective user involvement: does it make a difference?
In my recent blog for the Social Care Elf I reviewed a study from Sweden which explored the impact which user advisory councils make in mental health and substance use services. Lyn Romeo's comments in
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The National Elf Service: no bias, no misinformation, no spin
Health and social care professionals can become overwhelmed by the quantity of research and other evidence available to us. It is simply not possible to keep up to date with all the research which could potentially
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Improving shared decision-making in mental health
My latest blog on Social Care Elf is published today. It critiques a paper from the US on shared decision-making in mental health. To be honest, I was rather under-whelmed by its findings. You can
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QVC or CQC? Making choices about care and support
In my latest Social Care Elf blog I review a systematic review exploring how people with long-term conditions or disabilities use information about the quality of services to inform their decisions about care and support.
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Relationship training for practitioners: does it work?
Randomised controlled trials are rare in social work so I was pleased to review one for my second blog for the Social Care Elf this week. However, the study's limitations mean that its findings must be
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Measuring quality of life
My first blog was published on the new Social Care Elf today. It is a review of a paper on the measurement of quality of life of people with a mental health problem. The Social
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